SAR Configuration

To have SARs on your Aiimi Insight Engine system there are a few things that need to be set up.

Extract Disclosure Portal Zips

  1. Extract the ‘’ folder to C:\

    • The paths should be:

      • C:\DisclosurePortal\admin-api

      • C:\DisclosurePortal\client-api

      • C:\DisclosurePortal\client-app

Initialise SAR Collection

  1. Within the Control Hub go to Mappings, Models.

  2. Under the Collection Business Area check if the dsarCollection exists.

  3. Initialise it by running the following commands on the Aiimi Insight Engine server:

cd C:\InsightMaker\Utils\InsightMaker.IndexUtilities\ 

.\InsightMaker.IndexUtilities.exe initialise --dsar --publish 

This will create the model, publish it, and populate default values for objects such as Subject Types, Universal Policies etc.

Privacy Portal Certificate

Configuring IIS

  1. Open the Internet Information Services (IIS).

  2. Right click Sites then Add Website.

    1. Site name: PrivacyPortal (or similar, useful name)

    2. Physical path: C:\DisclosurePortal\client-app

    3. Binding:

      • Type: https (not http)

      • IP address: All Unassigned

      • Port: 444 (Usually on Port 443 unless on the same server)

      • SSL certificate: InsightEngine20

  3. Click OK

  4. Right Click on PrivacyPortal then Add Application.

    1. Alias: api

    2. Physical path: C:\DisclosurePortal\client-api

  5. Click OK

  6. Click Admin

  7. Under Management select Configuration Editor

  8. Section: Select system.webServer > serverRuntime

  9. uploadReadAheadSize: Change to 2147483647

  10. Select apply

  11. Select admin again

  12. Under the IIS Section select SSL Settings

  13. Enable Require SSL and select Require under client certificates.

Generate root and child certificates

If deploying on a separate web server to Aiimi Insight Engine, copy the folder ‘C:\InsightMaker\scripts’ to the server.

If deploying on the same server as AIE, simply use the existing ‘C:\InsightMaker\scripts’ folder.

  1. Create folder ‘certs’ under C:\DisclosurePortal

  2. Open PowerShell as an Administrator.

  3. Run the following command

  1. Confirm the certificate files exist under C:\DisclosurePortal\certs\

  2. Right click root.crt and select Install Certificate

  3. Select Local Machine then Next.

  4. Select 'Place all certificates in the following store'.

  5. Click Browse and select ‘Trusted Root Certification Authorities’.

  6. Click OK, then Next and Finish.

Deploying on a separate web server to Aiimi Insight Engine

  1. Copy the Elastic cert ‘elastic-certificiates.p12’ file to the server under C:\DisclosurePortal\certs\

    • e.g. C:\Apps\elasticsearch-8.11.1\config\certs\elastic-certificates.p12

  2. Copy the cert file ‘child.pfx’ to the Aiimi Insight Engine server (or AIE web app AND agents servers, if multi-server deployment)

Deploying on the same server as Aiimi Insight Engine

  1. Use the existing ‘elastic-certificates.p12’ path and password

Delete Configuration Files


  1. Rename the log4net.default.config files within \client-api and \admin-api to log4net.config.

  2. Open \client-api\log4net.config in Notepad++ (or similar application).

  3. Update the file value on line 4 to a valid location.

    • e.g. C:/tmp/logs/DisclosurePortal/ (the log name in the file)

  4. Save and close

  5. Repeat steps 1 to 4 for the ‘\admin-api\log4net.config’ file.


  1. Rename the web.default.config files within \client-api and \admin-api to web.config.


If you are deploying on a separate web server to Aiimi Insight Engine, copy the folder ‘C:\InsightMaker\Plugins’ to the server.

  1. Rename the appsettings.default.json files within \client-api and \admin-api to appsettings.json.

  2. Open \client-api\appsettings.json in Notepad++ (or similar application).

    1. Set the plugins.locations to C:\\InsightMaker\\Plugins (line 10).

    2. Set the disclosureSettingsPath to C:\\DisclosurePortal\\disclosuresettings.json.

    3. Set the disclosureRoot to C:\\tmp\\disclosures.

  3. Create an empty file called disclosuresettings.json and save this within C:\DisclosurePortal\.

  4. Create a folder path of C:\tmp\disclosures\.

  5. Save and close.

  6. Create a folder path of C:\tmp\RequestStore\.

  7. Create a file called verificationStore.json and save this within C:\tmp\.

    1. Set the contents of this file to:


  "Requests": {} 

  1. Save and close.

  2. Open ‘\admin-api\appsettings.json’ in Notepad

    1. Set the disclosureSettingsPath to ‘C:\\DisclosurePortal\\disclosuresettings.json’.

    2. Set the disclosureRoot to ‘C:\\tmp\\disclosures’.

    3. Set the plugins.locations to ‘C:\\InsightMaker\\Plugins’ (line 6).

    4. Set the remoteApi.certificate.path to ‘C:\\DisclosurePortal\\certs\\elastic-certificates.p12’

      • (or the existing path of ‘elastic-certificates.p12’ if deploying on the same server as Aiimi Insight Engine)

    5. Set the remoteApi.certificate.password value to the password of ‘elastic-certificates.p12’

  3. Save and close

Installing .NET Hosting Bundle

Deploying on a separate web server to Aiimi Insight Engine

  1. Download .NET Hosting Bundle 8.x from (actual version number may vary from screenshot)

  1. Run ‘dotnet-hosting-8.0.xx-win.exe’

    • It's important that the Hosting Bundle is installed after IIS has been installed and enabled.

  2. Perform an iisreset.

  3. Browse to https://localhost:444/#/login

    1. The login screen should be displayed.

Configure Insight Engine Agents and APIs

  1. For the Admin and Search API’s and Content and Job Agents, open ‘appsettings.json’ in Notepad.

    • Admin API (e.g. C:\InsightMaker\Apps\Admin\api\appsettings.json)

    • Search API (e.g. C:\InsightMaker\Apps\Search\api\appsettings.json)

    • ContentAgent (e.g. C:\InsightMaker\ContentAgent\appsettings.json)

    • JobAgent (e.g. C:\InsightMaker\JobAgent\appsettings.json)

  2. Add/update the advanced.disclosureClientCertificate section with the correct path to ‘child.pfx’ and its password:

"advanced": { 
    "redactionLicencedKey": "See Agreement", 
    "disclosureClientCertificate": { 
      "path": "C:\\DisclosurePortal\\certs\\child.pfx", 
      "password": "changeme" 
  1. Restart IIS where Search and Admin are deployed, and restart the Job and Content agents.