Installation Security

Elastic Password Encryption

  1. To encrypt the Elastic password that resides in the appsettings.json run the following script. This must be run in an admin PowerShell.

cd C:\InsightMaker\Utils\InsightMaker.SettingsUtilities;
.\InsightMaker.SettingsUtilities.exe encryptstring "ELASTICPASSWORD";
  1. Enter the encrypted password into the below command and run it from an admin PowerShell.

.\InsightMaker.SettingsUtilities.exe patch -i C:\InsightMaker\ -a "elastic.password" -v "REPLACE WITH ENCRYPTED PASSWORD";

Elastic Certificate Password Encryption

  1. To encrypt the Elastic Certificate password that resides in the appsettings.json run the following script. This must be run in an admin PowerShell.

cd C:\InsightMaker\Utils\InsightMaker.SettingsUtilities;
.\InsightMaker.SettingsUtilities.exe encryptstring "CERTIFICATE PASSWORD";
  1. Enter the encrypted password into the below command and run it from an admin PowerShell.

.\InsightMaker.SettingsUtilities.exe patch -i C:\InsightMaker\ -a "elastic.certificate.password" -v "REPLACE WITH ENCRYPTER PASSWORD";
.\InsightMaker.SettingsUtilities.exe encryptstring "CERTIFICATE PASSWORD ";
.\InsightMaker.SettingsUtilities.exe patch -i C:\InsightMaker\ -a "remoteApi.certificate.password" -v "REPLACE WITH ENCRYPTER PASSWORD";

System Secret Encryption

  1. To encrypt the System Secret Key that resides in the appsettings.json run the following script. This must be run in an admin PowerShell.

    1. For assistance creating a random 32+ character key see

cd C:\InsightMaker\Utils\InsightMaker.SettingsUtilities; 
.\InsightMaker.SettingsUtilities.exe encryptstring "ss4Skwa9CFHM3aqku0jbeKWpsOs4Kssr"; 
  1. Enter the encrypted key into the below command and run it from an admin PowerShell.

.\InsightMaker.SettingsUtilities.exe patch -i C:\InsightMaker\ -a "systemSecret" -v "REPLACE WITH ENCRYPTED KEY";