SMS Delivery Settings

You can enable passwords to be sent via SMS instead of via email. This can improve the security of your Disclosure Portal.

  1. Send Passwords via SMS - Check this to enable Passwords to be sent via SMS.

  2. Disclosure Portal Password SMS - Enter the message to be sent with the password.

    • The password will always be added to the end of the message.

  3. SMS Provider - We currently only support Pinpoint.

  4. Application ID - Enter your Amazon Pinpoint application ID.

  5. Select Credential - Select the relevant credential and secret from the dropdown.

  6. Region - Enter the Region of your Amazon Pinpoint application.

    • You can find your region within your Pinpoint account.

  7. Message Type - Select the type of message you are sending from the dropdown.

    • Transactional - Used for time sensitive messages such as recovery or login codes.

    • Promotional - Used for marketing and promotional messages.