Search Performance
Control Hub > Global Settings > Search Performance
Last updated
Control Hub > Global Settings > Search Performance
Last updated
Show users an accurate total number of results for their searches.
For very large systems or systems near resource capacity we recommend disabling accurate totals for pagination.
When enabled, if a user unselects a source from their filters the number of matches in that source will not be requested or shown.
This improves the performance of searches on large indexes that are used less frequently.
Check "Only fetch counts in facets for selected sources" to enable this.
Check Preload Advanced Search filter counts to have the filter counts preload. This can be resource intensive.
If not checked, the advanced filter counts update when a user selects advanced search.
Configure how many and when results will load, you can also choose when to prompt users to changed their search or filters instead.
Results per page load: Enter how many results will load at the beginning and each time a user scrolls.
Maximum lazy load pages: Enter the maximum number of times new results will load automatically as a use scrolls.
A button to load more results will appear after this point so users can continue to explore if they need to.
Page loads before help prompt: Enter the maximum number of times new results load before the help prompt appears.
Check this to Group Emails from a conversation together in a thread.
Enabling this will impact your search performance. We recommend this is disabled when not needed.