AI Settings

This section guides you through configuring how items in your system are classified.

Within the Control Hub you can manage all the classifications used from one place. The classifications are used to identify, group and label items in your system.

Document Classification Journey

  1. An item starts going through the rules of the first classification.

    • The item is compared to the rules for this classification in order.

  2. If an item matches a defined rule it has the relevant class assigned.

    • This item will not go through any more rules in the classification.

  3. The item will then move on to the next classification in the list.

    • If an item does not match any rules in a classification it will also continue to the next classification.

  4. And, the loop will continue until there are no classifications left.

Classification Configuration

There are a number of steps to go through in order to set up document classification.

  1. Create a classification.

  2. Create classes within this classification.

  3. Assign Class Rules or AI classification to identify document classifications.

    • By default the enrichment will try to match a document to any class rules. If there are no matches and AI classification is enabled a document will then go through this.

  4. Create an enrichment step to run the classification against your items.

Key Terms

Classification: Classifications are groups of classes.

Classes: Classes are added to an item to give users further information. They can be determined by Class Rules or AI Classification.

Class Rules: Class Rules determine what class an item will have applied. They use regular expressions to find information within an item.

AI Classification: This uses AI to determine what class an item will have applied. It uses AI and any prompts to identify an items classification.


Classification: Risk Score

Classes: No Risk, Low Risk, Medium Risk, High Risk

Class Rules for High Risk: The file name contains Confidential.

Last updated