
Mimecast is an email security company that protects emails from threats like spam, malware, and phishing. Aiimi Insight Engine connects to their cloud email archive service.


Mimecast Service Account

Aiimi Insight Engine requires a Mimecast Service Account. For information on creating a Service account see Mimecast's documentation on creating a service account user.

Service Account Roles

Your service account requires certain roles to allow Aiimi Insight Engine to crawl Mimecast. For information on service account permissions see Mimecast's documentation on Granting API Service Account User Permissions.

We require the following roles to be assigned:

  • Archive Menu - Search - Read & Search Content View

  • Directories Menu > Internal > Read

2.0 API Key

Aiimi Insight Engine requires the Mimecast 2.0 API.

For information on generating an API key see Mimecast's video explaining how to generate an API Key.

The API requires the following products:

If these products are not added you may see a 403 error when using the Util tool.

  • Email Security Cloud Gateway

  • Domain Management

  • Data Retention

  • Connector

  • User and Group Management

  • Awareness Training

  • Threat Management

  • Policy Management

  • Threats

  • Security Events and Data for CG

  • Audit Events

  • Security Events

  • Account Management


The Mimecast connector requires a Client ID and Secret credential. For support setting up a credential see our guide on creating Client ID and Secret credentials.

Configure Mimecast Source

  1. Source System: Select Mimecast from the dropdown.


  1. Mimecast API Endpoint: Enter the Mimecast endpoint to use for API requests.

  2. Authentication Endpoint: Enter the Mimecast endpoint used to authenticate requests.

  3. Select Credential: Choose the Mimecast Client ID and Secret from the dropdown.

  4. Select the Domains tab.


  1. Included Domains: Choose to crawl specific domains only. Enter the domain names you want to crawl using Regular Expression.

    • If blank, all domains will be crawled.

  2. Include local domains: If checked, local domains will also be processed.

    • This depends on the filtered domains.


  1. Included Mailboxes: Choose to crawl specific mailboxes only. Enter the email addresses you want to crawl using Regular Expression.

    • If blank, all mailboxes will be crawled.

  2. Excluded Mailboxes: Choose to exclude specific mailboxes only. Enter the email addresses you don't want to crawl using Regular Expression.

    • If blank, all included mailboxes will be crawled.


  1. Start Date: Select the earliest date messages should be retrieved from when crawling a mailbox for the first time.

    • This also applies if Ignore Delta Tokens is checked.

  2. Ignore delta tokens: Check this to ignore delta tokens and re-crawl all messages.

    • Use this to find missing messages, if the Start Date is changed, or to process deleted messages.

    • This is slower than a standard delta crawl.

  3. Excluded Message Subjects: Limit the emails processed depending on their subject. Enter the subjects you don't want processed using regular expressions.

    • If blank, all messages will be processed.

  4. Blank Subject Default: Enter a default subject for any messages processed without one.


  1. Extract Attachments: Check this to extract and store attachments and email separately.

  2. Excluded Attachment Names: Limit the attachments processed. Enter the attachment names you don't want to process using regular expressions.

    • If blank, all attachments will be processed.

  3. Blank Attachment Name: Enter a default name for any attachments processed without one.



  1. Parallel Mailbox Crawling: Enter the maximum number of mailboxes that should be crawled at once.

  2. Parallel Folder Query: Enter the maximum number of Elastic queries that can be processed at once.

    • This may impact Elastic performance.

  3. Parallel Mailbox Deletion: Enter the maximum number of mailboxes that can be deleted at once.

    • This may impact Elastic performance.


  1. Trace Level: Select the connection trace level from the dropdown.

    • None - Do not log graph calls

    • Calls - Log URLs and status codes

    • All - Log URLs, status codes, request forms and JSON responses

  2. Stats Logging Interval (Seconds): Choose how often the Graph API call stats are logged in seconds.

    • This includes the total number of calls, call rates, HTTP errors and 429 errors.

    • Set this to 0 to disable stats logging.


  1. Results Page Size: Enter the maximum number of results retrieved in a single request.

  2. Retry After Multiplier: Enter a multiplier to pause processing after receiving a 'retry after' message. The multiplier will be multiplied by the 'retry after' value.

    • Retry after values are typically between 1 and 3. A multiplier of 1000 will convert the value to that number of seconds.

  3. Delta Token Offset (Minutes): Enter the number of minutes to overlap that is applied to a saved delta token.

    • This allows time zones to be accounted for.

    • Negative values are subtracted.

  4. Authentication Token Offset (Seconds): Enter an offset in seconds that is applied to the authentication token expiry.

    • Negative values are subtracted.