Last updated
Last updated
Success Status: Enter the status to apply to items that are successfully enriched.
Error Status: Enter the status to apply to items that fail enrichment.
Initial Buffer Capacity: Choose the amount of work to queue at the start of the pipeline.
50 by default. This should be fine in most situations.
Update Maximum Degree of Parallelism: Enter the maximum number of messages that can be processed by the pipeline at the same time.
-1 by default. This should be fine in most situations.
Update Bounded Capacity: Enter the maximum number of messages that can be queued when updating Elastic.
50 by default. This should be fine in most situations.
Reducing this will reduce the memory used but may impact the time taken to complete.
Scroll Windows: Enter many minutes the scroll windows is kept in memory for.
15m by default. This should be fine in most situations.
Scroll Size: Enter the number of items to retrieve per scroll request.
100 by default. This should be fine in most situations.
Queue Rate: Enter the maximum number of items that can be queued per-minute.
0 by default. This should be fine in most situations.
0 is unlimited items, it allows the pipeline to calculate.
Rest Window: Enter how long to wait before checking for a new query, in minutes.
1m by default. This should be fine in most situations.
Log File Events: Check this to index file events.
Disabling this prevents the pipeline from logging events for the enrichment stats page.
Clear Text Content on Enrichment Failure?: If checked, when enrichment fails the text content of a file will be removed but the item will remain.
Enable Batched Updates: Check this to index enrichment results for this pipeline in batches instead of as they complete.
Update Batch Size: Enter the number of enrichment results to write into Elastic per batch.
This setting is applied on a per-source basis.
Maximum Update Batch Age: Enter the maximum time between batches in minutes.
If a batch starts and the maximum size isn't reached within this time it will be batched as is. This will stop batches building up and being delayed.
If you are regularly getting errors or a large number of errors in enrichment the following settings may help.
Enable Circuit Breaker: Check this to stop the pipeline processing if an error occurs.
File Exceptions Trigger Circuit Breaker: Check this to stop the pipeline processing if file and indexing exceptions occur.
Error Threshold: Enter the maximum times a single error type can occur before the pipeline is stopped.
Time Period: Enter the amount of time to track for duplicate errors, in seconds.