File Extractor
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You can control what happens to PST or Zipped files when they are added to a collection. By allowing them to be extracted in a collection users can freely see the files and process them as required.
Process Email Archives - If checked email archives (PST, OST) will be processed as part of this job.
Extract File Archives - If checked file archives (ZIP, RAR, 7z) will be processed as part of this job.
Maximum Archive Size - Enter the maximum size of an archive that can be processed in bytes.
Set to 0 for no limit.
Extract Email Attachments - If checked all email attachments will be extracted and stored as separate files to the email.
Excluded Attachment Names - Use Regular Expressions to choose what attachments are excluded from processing.
This is based on the name of the attachment.
If left blank all will be processed.
Collection Filter - Select what type of collection this feature is enabled on from the dropdown.
All - Run the process when an eligible file is added to any collection.
Redaction Enabled - Only run the process when an eligible file is added to a collection with redaction enabled.
SAR Only - Only run the process when an eligible file is added to a SAR collection.
Generate Upload Report - If checked an upload report for each extracted archive will be generated.