Create a Manual Request

Creating and completing a data request can all be done in Aiimi Insight Engine.

  1. Select SAR from the application menu.

    • From here you can find open SARs and requests to collaborate.

  2. Select New Response.

Basic Details

Enter some details about this request to determine the other information needed.

  1. Request submitted by - Select who is making this request, the data subject or someone on their behalf.

    • This selection cannot be changed once the request is created.

  2. Subject Type - Select the type of request from the dropdown list.

  3. Submitted Via - Select how this request has come to you from the dropdown list.

  4. Scope of request - Add any additional information, details or specific requests into this area.

  5. Select continue to Subject Details

Subject Details

Enter the details of the request subject and if applicable the details of any third parties. The details needed vary depending on who has requested the SAR.

Data Subject

This information is used to find any data regarding the subject.

  1. Title (Optional) - Enter the title of the data subject.

  2. First name - Enter the first name of the data subject.

  3. Last name - Enter the last name or surname of the data subject.

  4. Email - Enter the email of the data subject.

    • If the data subject made the request, this is mandatory.

    • If the request was made by a third party, this is not mandatory.

  5. Mobile number (Optional) - Enter the country code and phone number with no + or spaces.

    • If the data subject made the request, this will be used for communication.

  6. Current address and postcode (Optional) - Enter the address of the subject including postcode.

  7. Additional information (Optional) - Enter any additional notes about the data subject that may help when gathering information.

  8. Select continue to Search Settings

Requestor Contact Details

This will only appear if the request is submitted by someone on behalf of the data subject. The information gathered will be used to communicate with the requestor.

  1. Title (Optional) - Enter the title of the requestor.

  2. First name - Enter the first name of the requestor.

  3. Last name - Enter the last name or surname of the requestor.

  4. Email - Enter the email of the requestor.

  5. Mobile number (Optional) - Enter the country code and phone number with no + or spaces.

  6. Select continue to Search Settings

Search Settings

Depending on the search type selected some of these fields may already be completed.

  1. Search Terms - Enter any search terms that should be performed for this SAR.

  2. File Locations - Select any file locations so search for documents from the dropdown.

  3. Personal Identifying Information - Select the PII that should be identified and looked out for.

Response Timeframe

  1. Start date - Select a start date using the calendar picker.

    • If no start date is selected, it will auto populate once the request is 'In Progress'.

When a start date is added the due date will automatically set to 1 month from the start date. You can adjust this date to account for extensions of non-working days.

  1. Due Date - Select a due date using the calendar picker.

  2. Select continue to Collection Settings

Collection Settings

  1. Name - Enter a name for the SAR.

    • This is also shown as the SAR collections display name.

  2. Labels - Select the labels to apply to this request from the dropdown.

    • There are no restrictions to the number of labels added.

    • The SAR label will apply by default so you can see which Collections are part of a request. This cannot be removed.

  3. Owner - Select the Owner of this request from the dropdown.

  4. Contributors - Add any contributors by typing names or groups into the search box.

    • Contributors are able to add items to the response.

  5. Visible to - Chose who is able to see the request.

    • Owner and contributors only - This will only appear in the list for Owners and Contributors.

    • All SAR Users - This will appear in the list for every SAR user.

  6. Select continue to Disclosure Portal if available.

    • If not select Create Request.

Disclosure Portal

Choose if a Disclosure Portal should be used to disclose the response.

If the Disclosure Portal has been disabled by an administrator the response will need to be disclosed using alternative methods.

  1. Create a disclosure portal now - Choose if the portal should be created now or later.

    • Yes, create it now - The portal will be created with the Request.

    • No, Create it later in the activity tab - If required, it will be created using the SAR activity tab later.

  2. Select Create Request