Aiimi Insight Engine takes into account many variables when showing certain result. It looks at more than the terms searched.
Aiimi Insight Engine calculates how well a result matches your search and how relevant it is to you. It looks at the name, content and properties of a result to calculate how well it matches your search. Once each result has a relevancy score results are ordered from highest to lowest by default.
Security and access
All security and permission on a file, from the source, will apply within Aiimi Insight Engine. This means you will only see the information that you have access to for security and privacy.
Minimum Matching Terms
A minimum matching term filter will change the results you are seeing. This filter determines how many words in your search must also be within a result.
Anyone can mark a file as useful, this can help you see how helpful something is. This won't impact if you see a file or not but it will make it easier for you to find good info. Learn more about marking a file as useful.
Find Searched Terms
Find the terms you have searched within the results list and preview. Making it easier for you to find what you are looking for.
Snippets of an item will show in the result card with your searched terms. The search terms or synonyms will also be highlighted.
If you change your filters, the highlighted terms will change to ensure you see the most helpful information first.
Your searched terms are also highlighted within a document preview. This makes it easier for you to find exactly what you're looking for. You can use the side panel to see navigate to the terms in your document.
Why My Search Matched
When you perform a search it can be difficult to understand why a result has been returned. Administrators can turn on why my search matched to help you find what you're looking for.
Why my search matched can help find the best results in Aiimi Insight Engine. It shows if a result matched your search term, phrases or filters and how many times that happens in the result.
Match Types
Phrase Match - If a quoted phrase in a search is found within a result it will appear under Phrase.
Match - If a term in a search is found within a result it will appear under Match. Matched terms will include any synonyms set by your administrators and fuzzy matches. Fuzzy matches are similar terms. For example, if you search Water it will show results for Waters, Watering, Watered.
Filters - If a filter are applied you will see the number that have matched for each result.