Why These Results

Aiimi Insight Engine takes into account many variables when showing certain result. It looks at more than the terms searched.


Aiimi Insight Engine calculates how well a result matches your search and how relevant it is to you. It looks at the name, content and properties of a result to calculate how well it matches your search. Once each result has a relevancy score results are ordered from highest to lowest by default.

Security and access

All security and permission on a file, from the source, will apply within Aiimi Insight Engine. This means you will only see the information that you have access to for security and privacy.

Minimum Matching Terms

A minimum matching term filter will change the results you are seeing. This filter determines how many words in your search must also be within a result.


Anyone can mark a file as useful, this can help you see how helpful something is. This won't impact if you see a file or not but it will make it easier for you to find good info. Learn more about marking a file as useful.