File Scanner Configurator

  1. Drag the file scanner to use from the left column to the right.

    • You can select as many as you want.

Other Scanners

  • Drag the Scanner you want to use to the right column.

  • Select the arrow to expand the additional fields needed.

  • Enter any fields required for that scanner.

    • For example LocalFile Scanner needs the Working Directory and a Wait Time.


Test what will happen to a file that would be considered malicious file.

  1. Drag the TestFileScanner to the right column.

  2. Select the arrow to expand the additional fields needed.

  3. Enter a signature to test within Test Signatures.

    • The first 256 bytes of each file will be converted to Unicode and compared to the test signature. If they match the plugin behaves as if it was a malicious file.

Last updated