Exporting a Collection

  1. From the collection select Action.

  2. Select Create Export. This will open a new modal.


Within settings there are a number of things you can include within your export.

  1. Include collection manifest - Check this to have a manifest about this collection included in the export.

  2. Anonymise names - Check this to have the file names within the export anonymised.

  3. Password protected - Check this to add a password to the exported file.

    • Enter a password or select generate to automatically create one.

Selected Items

You can choose what items are included within an export. Unchecked items will not be included within the export.


When you export a collection you can add a watermark to the items within them. This ensures that items can be handled correctly and only used for their intended purpose.

Per item

  1. Select the watermark dropdown of the item you want to apply a watermark to.

  2. Choose a watermark from the list.

All items

  1. Select the top watermark dropdown.

  2. Choose a watermark from the list to apply to all selected items.


If there is a redacted file you can choose to include the original or redacted version.

  1. Select the Version dropdown for the item you want to change.

  2. Choose the version to be included in the export from the dropdown list.


Where possible items can be exported in an alternative format. You can choose to export items in the collection in their native format or as a PDF.

  1. Select the Format dropdown for the item you want to change.

  2. Choose the format for this item within the dropdown list.

Last updated