
Set your PDF Tron licence using the Viewer page. Setting this will provide an enhanced preview experience for users in Aiimi Insight Engine.

This allows users to preview the text content of a document within Aiimi Insight Engine. Users no longer need to download document or be redirected to open documents in its source location. This means users can review documents for compliance purposes and more gather further insights.

Viewer Configuration

  1. Enter the License key for the third party viewer software into the Viewer License Key.

Preview Cache

  1. Check Enable Preview Cache to turn on this feature.

  2. Limit the size of file that can be cached with the Cache Size limit slider.

  3. Choose how long a preview is cached for with the Expiration Window.

Preview File Size Limits

  1. Set a size limit for files that can be previewed. Enter a Default File Size Limit in bytes.

Custom File Size Limits

You can customise the file size limits per extension within custom file size limits.

  1. Type in Extension or use the drop down to select an extension group.

  2. Enter the File Size Limit you want to apply to this extension.

  3. Select Add Configuration.

Last updated