Document Recommendations

Fine tune what items are returned as document recommendations.

Max Query Terms

The maximum number of terms to be selected when finding similar results

  1. Enter a maximum number within Max Query Terms.

    • Increasing this value will give more accurate results but the search will take longer.

Minimum Term Frequency

The minimum number of times a term must appear in a result to be used in further recommendation searches.

  1. Enter a minimum amount within Minimum Term Frequency.

Minimum Document Frequency

The minimum number of items a term must appear in to be used in further recommendation searches.

  1. Enter a minimum amount within Minimum Document Frequency.

Maximum Document Frequency

By imposing a maximum number of items a term appears in words like 'The' or 'And' will be ignored.

  1. Enter a maximum amount within Maximum Document Frequency.

Score Threshold

Items are given a score to indicate how similar they are. Setting a Score Threshold gives a minimum score before files are returned as a recommendation.

  1. Enter a minimum score within Score Threshold.

Last updated