Content Server

General Settings

  1. Enter Web Service Base URL

    • This is the OT web service base URL.

    • The URL must have a trailing '/'. For example, https://server/otcs-ws/.

  2. Select the username and password from the Select Credential dropdown for this server.

  3. Enter the Domain Prefix that identifies domain users and groups.

  4. Enter the System Prefix used to make content server node IDs, users and groups unique.

    • This must match the value of the matching security sync.

  5. Enter the URL template for opening a file from the content server in Open File.

    • This must be a single placeholder for the node ID.

  6. Enter the URL template for opening a file from the content server in Open Location.

    • This must be a single placeholder for the node ID.

  7. Add Initial Node IDs to create a list to start crawling from.

  8. Add the Document Subtypes to include in the crawl.

LiveReport (untested)

  1. Enter the Live Report ID.

    • The NodeID of a LiveReport used to select the initial nodes to crawl.

  2. Enter the Data ID Field Name from the LiveReport.

    • The name of the field containing the Data ID of the node.

  3. Enter the Location Field Name from the LiveReport.

    • The name of the field containing the full path to the node.

Category and Attribute Filter

  1. Enter the Category Attribute name to filter on.

    • For example, Migration Category:Migrated.

  2. Enter an Attribute Value to test.

  3. Check Exclude to exclude matching nodes from the crawl.

    • Nodes that don't have this category are treated as not matching.


  1. Check Index renditions as separate documents to index latest original and PDF separately.

    • If unchecked, only the latest version will be indexed.

  2. Enter an extension to be used for all renditions in Rendition Extension.

RES Migration Specific

  1. Check RES Migration to include all issued and approved versions, latest renditions and drafts where applicable.

Last updated