Exchange 365


Connect your Exchange 365 source to Aiimi Insight Engine to make the most of the data on your machines. Once you have selected a Source System type more detail will expand to customise this.


  1. Enter your Graph API Endpoint if different to the Microsoft default.

    • In most cases you do not need to change your Graph API Endpoint.

  2. Within Directory (Tenant) ID enter the Directory or Tenant ID from azure.

    • This can be found on the Azure Enterprise Application configuration pages.

  3. Enter your Authentication Endpoint if different to the Microsoft default.

    • In most cases you do not need to change your Authentication Endpoint.

  4. From the Select credential and secret for the app, client or identifier from the dropdown.

    • Find your credentials in the Azure Enterprise Application configuration pages.


  1. Pick the mailboxes to process first. Enter an OData filter into Priority Mailbox Filters to select it.

    1. If left blank no mailboxes will be prioritised.

    2. Any changes will be applied to new crawls not continued crawls.

    3. Find OData filters in Microsoft Graph API documentation.

  2. Choose what part of a mailbox is processed. Enter an OData filter into Standard Mailbox Filters to select it.

    1. If left blank all mailboxes will be processed.

    2. Changes will apply to new crawls not continued crawls.

    3. Find OData filters in Microsoft Graph API documentation.

  3. Select which mailboxes are excluded. Enter the UPN into Excluded Mailboxes.


  1. Choose what folders not to process. Enter the folders within Excluded Root Folders.

    • Select the Edit (pencil) to edit any items in the list.

    • Select the Delete (trash can) to remove items in the list.

  2. To exclude certain subjects from a crawl enter them into Excluded Message Subjects.

    • Use a Regular Expression to exclude the subjects.

    • If left blank all subjects will be processed.

  3. To exclude certain subjects from a crawl enter them into Excluded Message Subjects.

    • Use a Regular Expression to exclude the subjects.

    • If left blank all attachments will be processed.

  4. When processing messages with a blank subject you can choose a default subject. Enter a subject in to Blank Subject Default.

  5. If an attachment name is blank on an email you can choose a default name to apply. Enter a name in to Blank Attachment Name.

  6. Check Store BCC as Metadata to extract and store all BCC addresses. This applies to sent and received emails.

  7. Check Extract Attachments to extract and store all attachments as separate files.



Decide how many different task's are run at once.

Parallel Mailbox Crawling - Enter the maximum number of mailboxes that should be crawled at once.

Parallel Folder Crawling - Enter the maximum number of folders, from one mailbox, that should be crawled at once.

Parallel Folder Query - Enter the number of Elastic queries, from one mailbox, that should be crawled at once. This can impact the Elastic performance.

Parallel Mailbox Deletion - Enter the number of folders that can be deleted at once. This can impact the Elastic performance.


Select the Trace Level of the connection. Select:

  • None - Do not log graph calls

  • Calls - Log URLs and status codes

  • All - Log URLs, status codes, request forms and JSON responses

Change the Stats Logging Interval (Seconds) to determine how often anything is logged.

  • This includes logging the total number of calls, call rates, HTTP errors and 429 errors.

  • You can disable stats logging by setting this to 0.


When scanning a source you can choose the number of results that will be retrieved in a request. To change the number of results change it on Result Page Size.

 Some endpoints will ignore this and revert to defaults.

 Search 'odata.maxpagesize' in the Microsoft Graph API documentation.

Last updated