Featured Links

Featured links are URLs that will show when a user searches a specific term within Aiimi Insight Engine. Typically, featured links are used for corporate systems, such as annual leave, timesheets, and expenses.

When you create a featured link you can add a URL, description and search terms. They are shown towards the top of the Insight App of a user searches when a featured link matches.

  1. Select New Featured Link.

  2. Enter a Title for your Featured Link.

  3. Enter a Description for this featured link.

  4. Enter the URL for the featured link, this will take the user to the site.

  5. Enter the Icon URL that will be shown with the link.

  6. Enter all the terms that will show this URL when searched.

  7. Select Save.

  1. Select the Edit (Pencil icon).

  2. Change any of the fields necessary.

  3. Select Save.

  1. Select the Delete (Bin icon) to remove a featured link.

Last updated