Hosting Options
Aiimi Insight Engine can be hosted in several ways depending on your preferences and existing IT estate. Aiimi offers a managed service to deploy and manage the service on the cloud.
The platform can be hosted on-premises in your data centre. Agent servers, repositories and web servers all run on local servers. This requires servers or virtual machines that can host the right Windows Server or Linux.
The platform can be hosted in the cloud using any provider that offers PaaS.
Agent servers, repositories and web servers all run on cloud-based servers. Aiimi has customers using all of the main cloud platforms. Including but not limited to Amazon AWS, Microsoft Azure and Google Compute Platform. Using cloud platforms can simplify scaling, especially for the repository tier of the platform. As you may need more Elasticsearch nodes as the volume of data grows, or user demand increases.
The solution on the cloud and the on-premises servers.
A common configuration is:
The agents is run on-premises.
The repository and web components run on the cloud.
Putting source, content, and enrichment agents on-premises can improve discovery and enrichment time. It is helpful for large on-premise sources such as SharePoint or network file systems. Some have on-premises agents for certain source systems and cloud agents for their cloud sources. Running the repository, API and User Interface in the cloud, can make scaling easy. It can also make end-user access easy since users do not need to be on the corporate network/VPN. This depends on the security needed for Aiimi Insight Engine and how users access the platform.
Last updated