
This step will copy items from one source to another. As with the delete step, copy needs to be enabled on the source within Aiimi Insight Engine and the underlying credentials used to access the source needs write permissions.

  • Destination Source - The destination source to copy the item to.

  • Destination Location - The location within the source the item will be copied to. This will be source type specific.

  • Overwrite - If this is checked and a file exists with the sae name in the target, it will be overwritten.

  • Delete initial file - If this is checked, the original item from the original source will be deleted (needs delete permissions).

  • Maintain folder path - If this is checked, then the file path from the source will be recreated in the target.

  • Exclude root location - If this is checked, the the root part of the path will be excluded from path creation.

Last updated