
Enter the details of the SAR subject and if applicable the details of any third parties. Requests can be received from the data subject or someone on their behalf. This information will be used to search, find the subjects information and contact the requestor.

  1. Select who is submitting the SAR.

    • The data subject or Someone on behalf of the data subject.

    • Once submitted you are unable to edit who submitted the request.

From the Data Subject

  1. Enter the subject's First Name.

  2. Enter the subject's Last Name.

  3. Enter the subject's Email Address.

    • This will be used for communication about the SAR.

  4. Enter the subject's Mobile Number for communication.

    • This will be used for communication about the SAR.

    • If this is not entered all communication will be via email including Privacy Portal Passwords if applicable.

  5. Enter the subject's Registered Address.

  6. Check Subject Identity Verified if you have verified the subjects identity.

    • If left blank the identity will need to be verified before.

  7. Select Next.

On behalf of the Data Subject

Subject Details

  1. Enter the subject's First Name.

  2. Enter the subject's Last Name.

  3. Enter the subject's Email Address.

    • This will be used for communication about the SAR.

Third Party Contact Details

  1. Enter the requestor's First Name.

  2. Enter the requestor's Last Name.

  3. Enter the requestor's Email Address.

    • This will be used for communication about the SAR.

  4. Enter the requestor's Mobile Number for communication.

    • This will be used for communication about the SAR.

    • If this is not entered all communication will be via email including Privacy Portal Passwords if applicable.

  5. Enter the requestor's Registered Address.

  6. Check Subject Identity Verified if you have verified the subjects identity.

    • If left blank the identity will need to be verified before.

  7. Select Next.

Last updated