Collections That Work For You

A core part of Aiimi Insight Engine is collecting information based on a theme or need. You could create, add to and share a collection to group data. The limited functionality made it hard to use a collection with a business process.

Configurable collections bridge that gap, bringing your process into Aiimi Insight Engine. Whether your starting a new project, a new joiner or researching sales opportunities. You can create a collection type that fits your process.

Customise your collections to match your process.

• Statuses. Track the progress of a collection by creating statuses to match your process steps. For example, In progress, Complete and Blocked.

Tags. Apply tags to an item for added context and reminders or to trigger automation tasks for that item. For example, Potential Risk, Review, Out of Date.

Tasks. Within each status you can set tasks to guide users through a process. For example, Competitor Analysis, Identify Similar Projects, Search patents.

• Permissions. Control who can create and access a collection type. For example, limit the Sales Opportunity type to the Sales group only.

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