Assigning Users to a SAR


Take greater control of what you share and with who. SAR owners can share a SAR with all members of a group, set contributors and control access.

For reviews you can assign collections or documents to specific users. This can help spread the workload but also allow SME's to only review their area of expertise.

You can assign one or many documents to someone for review.

For one item

  1. Select Assign a User next to the item.

For many items

  1. Select the checkbox on anything you want reviewed by one person.

  2. Select Assign a User at the bottom of the screen.

Assigning a user

  1. Select the drop down and start typing to search for a user.

  2. Select the User you want to assign it to.

  3. Enter some notes and a description to let the assignee know what you need.

  4. Select Yes to finalise assigning.

    • Select No to cancel assigning an item.

Last updated