Inline Preview

This is only available on desktop and laptop. For mobile and tablet, they open in the full screen preview.

Preview a result to see if it's what you need without leaving your search results. Inline previews can be accessed from many of the result lists across Aiimi Insight Engine.

Viewing an Item

  1. From your results list you can either:

    • Select the result name.

    • Select Preview from the options menu of the item.

  2. The Inline Preview panel for this item will open next to the results list.

  3. The selected result is highlighted in your results list. To change the results you are previewing select the name of another result.

Using Inline Preview

Matching terms

If you entered a search term as part of your search this term if carried into the Inline Preview. Within your preview each instance of this term will be highlighted.

Search terms will not be carried to the preview if you are using the manage app.

Using the search term navigation you can cycle through the highlighted terms in your item.

Change Highlighted Terms

If you want to search for other terms within an item you can easily do this from the inline preview.

  1. Within the search term navigation select the search box.

  2. Enter the term you want to search.

  3. Hit enter on your keyboard.

This will give you a count of each instance and highlight them in the document.

Changing the Search Type

You can also change the type of search performed from the search term navigation.

  1. Select the search type drop down before the search term.

  2. Choose if you want it to be Match Case, Whole Word or Regex.

Match case: A case sensitive search. Searching “Self”, will find “Self” not “self”.
Whole word: Find entire words only. Searching “self,” will find “self” not “itself”.
Regular expression: Find results by searching for patterns. Searching \£\d will find any £ followed by a number.

Last updated