Using The Manage Chart


You can use the management chart to find and understand the data in your systems. Start exploring how your information is made up by selecting a category. There are a variety of options you can pick to investigate.



Look at where your systems information is stored.

File Details

Look at the files type, owners and creation dates etc.

Storage Assignees

See who has files assigned to them to action.

Storage Actions

See what files have any storage actions against them.


Understand the entities, risks or actions that needed based on the PII information


Understand the entities, risks or assignees based on the PCI information.


This is the data you want to investigate (Data Points).

X Axis

What you would like to compare the data with.

Y Axis

The measurement of the data either Number of Results or Size of Files.


  • You want to find When PCI Entities were created so you can remove and irrelevant information.

    • Category - PCI Entity

    • X Axis - Created Date

    • Y Axis - Number of Results

  • You want to find who owns the largest files within your systems.

    • Category - Source

    • X Axis - Owner

    • Y Axis - Size of File

  • You want to see the Risk associated with all the PII results so high risk results can be actioned.

    • Category - PII Entities

    • X Axis - PII Risk

    • Y Axis - Number of results