Related Results

Set up a way to see all the related results that match on certain fields. This will create tabs under a Related Results heading that show what files are related on.

  1. Check Enable/Disable Related Results to determine if users can see this visualisation.

  2. Enter a name for the related results tab under Tab Name.

  3. Choose the Source Field from the dropdown to compare.

  4. Choose the Target Field from the dropdown that will be compared against the Source Field.

  5. Select from the Sort By dropdown to determine the order that documents will show up in the tab.

  6. Once tabs are added you can then set the order they will appear within Related Results using the up and down arrows.


  1. Check Enable Duplicates to create a tab within Related Results called Duplicates. This will show documents that are exactly the same as the selected result.

    • This will only work for enriched documents as it compares a hash of the document.

More Like This

  1. Check Enable More Like This to create a tab within Related Results.

    • This will show documents that are like the current document by querying a set of terms.