
Connect a Confluence source to Aiimi Insight Engine to make the most of your data. Once you have selected a Source System type more details will expand to customise this connection.

General Settings

  1. Select a username from the Select Credential dropdown. This is the credential that will be used to connect to Confluence.

  2. Enter the Project Root Folder where the crawl should start.

    • By default Project Files is included.

  3. To crawl specific projects enter which you want crawled within Specific Projects to Crawl.

    • If left blank all projects will be crawled.

  4. To stop specific projects being crawled enter them within Specific Projects to Exclude.

    • If left blank no projects will be skipped.

  5. Enter a page limit to limit the items that can be retrieved in a single call.

    • By default this is set to a maximum of 200 items.

  6. Limit the frequency of requests mage to this source by entering a Wait period.

    • Enter a wait period in milliseconds.

    • Set to 0, no wait period by default.

Last updated