Content Server
Connect a Content Server source to Aiimi Insight Engine to make the most of your data. Once you have selected a Source System type more detail will expand to customise this.
For Livelink connections, contact your Aiimi representative.
Connecting a Content Server with Aiimi Insight Engine
Source System: Select ContentSever from the dropdown.
Initial Configuration Steps
Web Service Base URL: Enter the OpenText web service URL with a trailing slash.
For example, https://server/otcs-ws/.
Credentials: Choose a username and password from the dropdown list.
For support setting up credentials use our guide on managing credentials.
Domain Prefix: Enter the prefix to identify domain users and groups.
System Prefix: Enter the prefix that makes the node IDs, users and groups unique.
This must match the value of the matching security sync.
Open File: Enter a template URL to use for opening a file from the content server.
This must be a single placeholder for the node ID.
Open Location: Enter a template URL to use for opening a folder from the content server.
This must be a single placeholder for the node ID.
Crawl Details
Initial Node IDs: Add Node IDs to identify where the crawl should stat from.
Container Types: Create a list of container types that should be crawled like a folder for this source.
Document Subtypes: Add the document subtypes that should be included in the crawl.
Category and Attribute Filter
Category Attribute: Enter the category attribute name to filter on.
For example, Migration Category:Migrated
Attribute Value: Enter a value to test.
For example, HIVE
Exclude: Check to exclude matching nodes from the crawl. Nodes that don't have this category are treated as not matching.
Index renditions as separate documents: Check this to include the renditions of a file within the version history.
This does not support advanced (minor and major) versioning.
Track Versions on the advanced tab must be checked for this to work.
Send Timeout (seconds): Enter how long the client side will wait for a response from the web service before timing out.
Token Refresh Interval (seconds): Enter how long authentication tokens will be used for before refreshing. This must be less than any configured cookie or token expiry times.
Include owner and permissions: If checked, the file owner and permissions are populated by the crawl.
Disabling this can speed up the crawl, but files won't be correctly permission-trimmed in searches.
Include node data: If checked, the node data returned from EWS will be stored as metadata.
This allows for custom enrichment steps that extract more Content Server properties. This is at the expense of additional Elastic storage.
Include child files data: If checked, the metadata for child files are calculated and stored in the hierarchy index. This can increase the crawl time.
Completed the Source section
Once you have completed this section, select Crawl. Learn how to complete the source Crawl set up.
Last updated