
Use the timeline lens to find patterns in behaviour, keep up to date with changes and monitor activity. Results with relevant dates are plotted on a graph based so you can see when things happen.

  1. Select Timeline from the lenses menu.

    • This will only be available if the items in your results have dates that can be used.

Changing the Date Type

Choose what type of date you want to use to populate the graph. The graph will show the number of results with that date type on each day.

  1. Choose a date type to use and plot your results on the graph based on it.

    • Select More to see all the date types available.

Adjust the Date Range

  1. Adjust the dates in the date range field or by dragging the highlighted area on the timeline.

    • This will focus your results to only this timeframe and show a more detailed view of the timeline.

  2. Select Update Results.

    • This may take a moment to update.

The results list below your graph will be sorted and grouped by the date based on your selected date type.

Result List

The results plotted on your graph will be listed below the graph and grouped by the date. As you change your date type or range the list below will also update.

Last updated