Filtering Results

Narrow down your results to more easily find relevant documents. You can apply a filter based on things like Source, Date Created, Owner, etc.

Applying Filters

You can apply filters to a search before it is run or you can filter the results list.

  1. Select the search bar.

  2. Select the filter from the search box.

  3. Choose the specifics to apply from the dropdown.

    • You can add more filters to this list by selecting More Filters and checking the filters you need.

Result List

If you're looking for something more specific within your results you can apply filters.

  1. Select Hide and Show to collapse and open the filters panel.

  2. Check the filters you want to apply from the filters list.

    • You can apply as many filters as you need.

Can't find what you're looking for

There are 2 main reasons something will not appear within your filters menu.

  1. None of the results in your list are related to what you need.

    • Try changing your search term to expand the results.

  2. There are too many filters within the list so some aren't showing.

    • Select the show more option to see all the available filters.

Last updated