

  1. Enter the Display Name you want to use for Aiimi Insight Engine.

  2. Enter the Support Email to be used for support and queries.

  3. Check Google Analytics to monitor the use of the app.

  4. Enter the Google Analytics View ID to connect Google.

  5. Check Support Email As A Modal so users can copy the support email address.

  6. Check Include "Powered By Aiimi Insight Engine" to show this message at the bottom of the page.

You can add links to external search tools that will appear in Aiimi Insight Engine.

  1. Select Add Link to add new search tools to your Aiimi Insight Engine.

  2. Enter the External Search Link Name to add a new search tool in Link Name.

  3. Enter the URL for the External Search Tool.

    • This must be a valid link with a suffix of "q=".

  4. Select Add.

  • Select the Edit (pencil icon) to edit an existing Search Link.

  • Select the Delete (trash can) to delete an existing Search Link.