By configuring a commandJob, Aiimi Insight Engine will pre define 6 KPI metrics. These can be viewed by end users in a Metrics dashboard. In order to provide extra context, administrators can add targets for each KPI that will appear on the dashboard.
Select the working hours so you can ensure the KPI calculations are accurate.
Select from the dropdown the normal Start Time for the day.
Select form the dropdown the normal End Time for the day.
You can include or exclude weekends if you are not open on weekends.
KPI targets can be added individually or in bulk through a CSV.
Select Add Target.
Provide values for each of the KPI’s which will become the target value.
Once complete, click Update button in the top right corner of the page.
Select Add Bulk Targets.
Drag and drop a CSV file with these targets or select the upload field and find the file.
Select Import to process this file.
Select the checkbox to the left of the metrics
Select Delete (X) Targets to remove multiple at once.
Select the Delete (Trash can icon) to the right of the table to remove an individual row.