Introducing Aiimi Insight Engine

Make understanding your data universe simple

It creates a virtual data mesh that discovers and interconnects all information across the enterprise, giving you a comprehensive picture of your data universe and enabling you with actionable insights.

Go everywhere and understand everything

Powered by AI and machine learning, the Aiimi Insight Engine discovers, classifies, and enriches all types of information and data across your organisation – from structured data to unstructured content; from CRM systems and sales platforms to email servers and asset-related datasets.

  • Total visibility and control.

  • New and valuable insights.

  • Greater competitive advantage.

Key Features

Inside Aiimi Insight Engine.

Aiimi Insight Engine has four ‘layers’ which work together to create a comprehensive picture of your data universe that’s searchable, secure, and full of valuable new insights.


The Aiimi Insight Engine automatically crawls all repositories, cloud or on-premises, to capture an up-to-date centralised index of everything that exists in your organisation, including its filename, metadata, where it’s stored, and who can access it.


With no user involvement needed, the insight engine enriches information with additional context and structure, using machine learning techniques like classification, text extraction, geotagging, and named entity recognition.


The repository layer stores the enriched information index, along with security information and other configuration data. It can house hundreds of millions of pieces of information yet gives users blisteringly-fast response times.


All information is secured with an authentication gateway which respects access permissions from source systems and integrates with your corporate security protocols, like multi-factor authentication and single sign-on.