Event Timeline

Event Timeline is used to show event data on the document and data details page. It uses event data that can be associated with data and document items.

The timeline view supports investigations of patterns in data. Users could visualise a chronological series of events that highlight the movements of a person.

  • When they moved from one organisation to another.

  • Role and address changes.

This can help indicate suspicious activity by connecting the dots between other 2 people or organisations. The timeline could also show other events:

  • When an invoice status changed from in progress to paid.

  • When exploring insights related to a particular customer or supplier.

  1. Check Enable/Disable visualisation to determine if users can see this visualisation.

  2. Choose the Default Time Period for the timeline.

  3. Enter a number then select Days, Weeks, Months or Years from the Dropdown.

  4. Check Round up to full period to auto expand a date range to cover a full day, week, month or year depending on your selection above.