Redacting Information

Information can be redacted from items within a SAR or a collection. In order for these redacted items to be saved you must configure the document storage.

Redacted Document Storage

  1. Redaction Storage Configuration: Select where redacted documents will be stored from the dropdown.

    • Azure Storage, File System Storage, Google Storage

Azure Storage

  1. Endpoint Suffix: Enter the suffix for the endpoint suffix for the storage account.

  2. Account Name: Enter the Account Name linked to the storage account.

  3. Access Key Type: Select either Account or SAS from the dropdown.

  4. Select Credential: Choose the credential to be used for this storage.

  5. Azure container ID: Enter the root container ID for this storage.

File System Storage

  1. Store Root: Enter the root folder of this File System Storage.

  2. Reserved Disk Space: Enter the amount of reserved disk space for this storage in bytes. This will reserve space within the storage system for redacted data.

  3. Error on full storage: Enable this to be notified if this space becomes full.

Google Storage

  1. Project ID: Enter the Project ID for the Google Cloud Platform.

  2. Bucket Location: Select the Google Cloud Platform Bucket Location from the dropdown.

  3. Bucket Prefix: Enter the prefix for all the buckets in the Google Cloud Platform.