Search Flow Types

There are two top level types of search flows Search Only and Search then Model.

Search Only

These appear as Search Focuses in the main application. They work alongside a search performing additional actions like smart filtering and search algorithm selection.

Search then Model

These appear as Search Focuses and within the ChatBot if enabled. They perform clever search actions like smart filtering and search algorithms. They also engage a model to answer questions or satisfy prompts.

Inline Generative AI

The Generative AI Panel appears to the right of the list result. This inline panel is also available in all other lenses.


You can interact with GenAI via the ChatBot to simplify the experience. From here the results can be inspected. Citations can be expanded from the header along the top of the app.

Result Flows

Result Flows are configured in the Search Flows. They share many common characteristics around model selection. They appear on a result and allow users to select a one or several items and then engage a model.

You can invoke the GenAI panel using the 'Ask a Question' and result options menu.

Last updated