Exchange 365

Connect your Exchange 365 source to Aiimi Insight Engine to make the most of the data.

Connecting Exchange 365 with Aiimi Insight Engine

  1. Source System: Select Exchange 365 from the dropdown.

Initial Configuration Steps

  1. Graph API Endpoint: Change the Graph API Endpoint if different to the Microsoft default.

  2. Directory (Tenant) ID: Enter the Directory or Tenant ID from azure.

    • This can be found on the Azure Enterprise Application configuration pages.

  3. Authentication Endpoint: Change your Authentication Endpoint if different to the Microsoft default.

  4. Select Credential:

  5. Credentials: Choose a credential and secret for Exchange 365 from the dropdown.

    • You can find your credentials in the Azure Enterprise Application configuration pages.


  1. Priority Mailbox Filters: Enter an OData filter to pick the mailboxes processed first.

  2. Standard Mailbox Filters: Enter an OData filter to pick the part of mailbox that is processed.


  1. Excluded Root Folders: Enter the folders that should not be processed.

    • Select the Edit (pencil) to edit any items in the list.

    • Select the Delete (trash can) to remove items in the list.

  2. Exclude Message Subjects: Enter any subjects that mean a message is excluded.

    • Use a Regular Expression to exclude the subjects.

    • If left blank all subjects will be processed.

  3. Excluded Attachment Names: As a regular expression enter any attachment names that should be excluded.

    • Use a Regular Expression to exclude the subjects.

    • If left blank all attachments will be processed.

  4. Blank Subject Default: Enter a subject to be used in place of any messages with a blank subject.

  5. Blank Attachment Name: Enter an attachment name to be used if an attachment has no name.

  6. Store BCC as Metadata: Check this to extract and store all BCC addresses. This applies to sent and received emails.

  7. Extract Attachments: Check this to extract and store all attachments as separate files.



Decide how many different task's are run at once.

Parallel Mailbox Crawling: Enter the maximum number of mailboxes that should be crawled at once.

Parallel Folder Crawling: Enter the maximum number of folders, from one mailbox, that should be crawled at once.

Parallel Folder Query: Enter the number of Elastic queries, from one mailbox, that should be crawled at once. This can impact the Elastic performance.

Parallel Mailbox Deletion: Enter the number of folders that can be deleted at once. This can impact the Elastic performance.


Select the Trace Level of the connection.

  • None - Do not log graph calls

  • Calls - Log URLs and status codes

  • All - Log URLs, status codes, request forms and JSON responses

Change the Stats Logging Interval (Seconds) to determine how often anything is logged.

  • This includes logging the total number of calls, call rates, HTTP errors and 429 errors.

  • You can disable stats logging by setting this to 0.


When scanning a source you can choose the number of results that will be retrieved in a request. To change the number of results change it on Result Page Size.

 Some endpoints will ignore this and revert to defaults.

 Search 'odata.maxpagesize' in the Microsoft Graph API documentation.