Disco Release

Regularly Run Bulk Searches

When building a legal case or right to be forgotten you regularly do lots of searches. You can create, run and set alerts for multiple searches as part of a Bulk Search.

This is great for running lots of searches about the same topic or within the same data model. It can reduce manual searches while improving consistency and data discoverability.

Imagine you need to track similar content for a few different legal cases. With bulk search, you can create a template of searches to use for every case. As you start a new case you update the terms in the template and create a new bulk search.

Once created, bulk searches automatically run and send notifications when new or changed items are found.

Insightful Views - Items and Actions

Aiimi Insight Engine helps you find the most relevant information. But, finding it is often just the start. There are more tasks that need to be done, like adding items to a collection or a Subject Access Request.

The latest release introduces a new look and additional functionality to your results.

Result list refresh. Easily find the results you’re looking for. See more results and details for each item with the latest streamline design.

Multi Select. Select all the items you need and action them together. Never forget an item and save time by removing the manual process of adding results.

Item Actions. Complete more actions on an item from your results list and get things done quicker. You can now do even more from your quick action bar.

Last updated