Finding a SAR

You can see all you open and completed SARs in the My SARs area of Aiimi Insight Engine.

  1. Select SAR from the application menu.

  2. From here you can see My SARs, All SARs, Analytics and Settings.

All SAR's

Access all available SARs from one place. You will see what is outstanding and who is working on what. With this you can help others by offering support or sending relevant information you find.

This view does not include confidential SARs which are only available to the creator and contributors.


Track the progress of your SARs in the My SARs tab. Get greater visibility on upcoming deadlines, outstanding reviews and new SARs. This will improve visibility of SAR commitments across the business.

Within the My SAR's tab there will be two sections, Owned by me and Contributing to.

Owned by me - Where you find the SARs assigned to you.

Contributing to - Where you can find anything others have assigned to you for your attention.