Add Items to a Collection

After you've found the result you are looking for there are 2 simple ways to add it to a collection, from the results list or a result details view.

Result Details

  1. Open the details page of the result.

  2. Select Add to Collection.

  3. From the list select the collection type to add it to.

    • This will open a new modal.

You can add an item to an existing collection or create a new one from this modal.

Add to an existing collection

Add to a new collection

Results List

From your results list you can add a results to an existing collection or create a new one.

  1. Select Add to Collection.

  2. From the list select the collection type to add it to.

    • This will open a new modal.

You can add an item to an existing collection or create a new one from this modal.

Add to an existing collection

Add to a new collection

Add to an existing collection

Within the modal:

  1. Select the collection from the Collection dropdown.

  2. If this collection type has result tags select the tags you want to apply.

  3. Select Add to collection.

Add to a new collection

Within the modal:

  1. Select New collection.

    • This will open the Create a New Collection modal.

  2. Your Collection Type will be preselected.

  3. Enter a Collection Name.

  4. Enter a Description for the collection.

  5. Add any Collection Labels.

  6. Add the anyone you want to share the collection with in Contributors.

  7. Select Create Collection.

  8. The first modal will then open.

  9. Select your new collection from the existing collection dropdown.

  10. If this collection type has result tags select the tags you want to apply.

  11. Select Add to Collection.