Status Management

Collection status help you track the progress of a collection using statuses that match your process steps. Statuses are created when a collection type is made. A Status will fall under one of 3 categories, Inactive, Active or Closed.

You can see the status of each collection from your collection hub and within each collection. Within a collection you can also see the remaining statuses for that collection type.

Change the Core Status

These are the main desired statuses for a collection type. They should also be in the order they need to be completed.

  1. Open the collection you want to update.

  2. Select Status.

  3. Select the status you want to change it to from the dropdown.

    • Each status is created when a collection type is made.

  4. Select away from the menu or use the esc key on your keyboard to close this.

Change the Exception Status

This is a status that can be a temporary or alternative state for the Core journey. For example within the Invoice Sent core status, Invoice Chased may be an exception status.

  1. Open the collection you want to update.

  2. Select Status.

  3. Make sure your Core Status is correct. If not select the status you want.

  4. Select Exception Status.

  5. Choose the exception status from the menu.

  6. Select away from the menu or use the esc key on your keyboard to close this.