Communicating with the Rest Enrichment Service
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The Rest Enrichment Service and some of its enrichment steps are called from your enrichment pipeline. This exposes each step as an addressable endpoint, it uses a portion of the URL to indicate which steps to execute.
To call the service you need to create a REST step in your pipeline and specify the endpoints it needs to call. Some steps can take parameters which control how the step behaves. More information about this can be found in the specific step configuraion guides.
Calling a service from on the localhost and invoking the phrases and summary enrichment steps.
API URL: Set to http://localhost:15005/ will call the service from the localhost (same server).
Endpoints: Add Phrases and Summary?algorithms=text-reank. A summary enrichment step can have algorithm parameters. Here it is set to text-rank. These parameters are standard query string name value pairs.
You can configure the concurrency of steps within the advanced options.
We recommend you set this to the number of CPUs on the server to start with. You should then monitor server resources and increase this until you reach full utilisation with no pipeline timeout issues.