Managing a Bulk Search
All current bulk searches will be displayed in a table within the control hub. The table contains the search Owner, Name, Number of searches, Search terms, number of users it is shared with and its status.
All bulk searches can be turned on and off or deleted by and admin from this table. By default all searches will be enabled.
Disable or Enable a Bulk Search
If enabled the bulk search will run on the same schedule as other saved searches.
If disabled the user will still see the search in their table but it will not run on a schedule.
You may want to disable searches for a number of reasons: - Large searches as they could slow down your system. - Inappropriate or sensitive terms. - Users who have left the business.
Within Aiimi Insight Engine Control Hub select Global Settings.
Select Bulk Search.
Within the table find the bulk search you are looking for. You can find for a bulk search using the search bar.
Select the status toggle to switch the status.
Select Update at the top of the page to save any changes.

Deleting a Bulk Search
If a search is deleted from here it will also be deleted from the users bulk search list. This will delete the Search and any related Notifications for all Users.
Within Aiimi Insight Engine Control Hub select Global Settings.
Select Bulk Search.
Within the table find the bulk search you are looking for. You can find for a bulk search using the search bar.
Select Delete Bulk Search from in the row of the item you want to delete.
This will open a confirmation modal.
Select Yes to confirm the deletion of this search.