
Windows Authentication

Use Windows Authentication to authenticate objects, services and users. It will help verify how genuine an object is and for services and people that the credentials are authentic.

Check the Windows Authentication checkbox to enable or disable Windows Authentication.

SAML2 Authentication

SAML2 is an open standard that allows single sign-on (SSO) fo applications. It is used to authenticate a user and allow them to gain access to Aiimi Insight Engine.

  1. Check the SAML2 Authentication checkbox to enable or disable Windows Authentication.

  2. Enter the Application Identifier for the Identity Provider.

  3. Enter the issuer of the Identity Provider.

  4. Enter the endpoint URL for signing in to the authenticator into Sign On URL.

  5. Enter the endpoint URL for logging out of the authenticator into Logout URL.

  6. Enter the endpoint for Aiimi Insight Engine Search application that will complete the login.

    • Use {0} as a placeholder for the host and port to access the API.

  7. Enter the public certificate to validate the token signatures within Signature Validation Certificate.


Aiimi Insight Engine supports ADFS for single sign on. A private key needs to be generated and network changes are required before ADFS is enabled. The copy of the certificate will need to be added to each server running IIS and hosting Aiimi insight Engine.

  1. Check Enable ADFS Authentication use ADFS.

  2. Specify the ADFS URL.

  3. Enter your Redirect URL

  4. Specify the Certificate Path for the certificate/private key.

  5. Enter the password to your certificate within Certificate Password.


Enable Swagger API Documentation

You can get information about your APIs during development and testing. This exposes your API details and should only be enabled in dev or test environments. To use Swaggers inbuilt testing the Bearer Token Authentication must be enabled.

Enable Bearer token authentication

Allow tokens to be stored in an auth header not just HTTP. This increases your security risk and should only be enabled in dev or test environments. This must be enabled to use Swaggers inbuilt testing.

Valid logged out tokens

If enabled, logged out tokens will only be invalidated upon expiry. This is only recommended for dev or test environments.

Last updated