Related Results

Related results help you discover documents you may not otherwise find. Just because they are related doesn't guarantee they will appear in the same result list. They are defined by results that share certain information. This could be a PO number, persons name, phrase etc.. These connection types are defined by your admin.

You can find the related results when previewing a result or from an items details page.

Inline and Full Screen Preview

When previewing an item in either inline or full screen preview you can easily find and investigate your related results.

  1. Select Show related results to open the related results panel.

  2. You may need to select find related results to show the list of results.

    • The related results will be grouped by the type of information that connects them.

  3. Select open as list to see all the related results in the standard list view.

You can select a result in this list to preview it or use the ellipsis menu to perform other tasks like adding it to a collection.

Learn more about inline and fullscreen preview.

Item Details

If an item has any related results you can also find them from the item details page.

  1. Select View details on the item.

  2. Select Related Results.

    • The related results will be grouped by the type of information that connects them.

You can select a result in this list to preview it or use the ellipsis menu to perform other tasks like adding it to a collection.

Last updated