Install AI Services as a Windows Service
Make sure Python is installed for all users.
If this isn't done, system users running this service will not be able to see it.
Python needs to be in the system PATH
Edit the run.bat so it contains an absolute path to the file and your virtual environment.
Run a command line window as an administrator.
Navigate to the Rest Enrichment Service subfolder in your InsightMaker distribution.
nssm install “InsightMaker AI Enrichment Service”
.For the AI Model Service, update the above command respectively.
Set the path to run.bat
Set the start up directory to the path of the Rest Enrichment Service.
Optional - Configure which user the service runs as. (See point 1.)
Run the service.
The first time the app service runs it will download a series of modules and models.
If this instance does not have internet access, please reach out to your contact at Aiimi.
Check the log file.
Last updated