
There are a number of prerequisites that are required for all AI Services.

Unzip the AI Service Distro

  • Create a folder called InsightMaker.Python.

    • This drive needs enough space for the Python virtual environment. These are around 6GB per service.

  • Extract the distro to a sub-folder with the same name as the original zip file.

    • AIEnrichmentService

    • AIModelService

Install Python

  1. Check if you have a version of Python running on the server.

    • You can check the PATH and location of installed applications

    • Or, open a prompt and run the following:

python --version

If Python Doesn't Exist

Install Python

  1. Install Python 3.12.8

    • To run Python REST services as a Window Service you need to install Python for ‘all users’.

Create a Python Virtual Environment

  1. Create a venv folder in the root of the respective AI Service you are setting up.

    • .\InsightMaker.Python\AIEnrichmentService

    • .\InsightMaker.Python\AIModelService

  2. Open command prompt.

  3. Navigate to the venv folder.

  4. Create the venv with the following python command: python -m venv ./

If Python Exists

Install Python

  1. Install Python 3.12.8

    • To run Python REST services as a Window Service you need to install Python for ‘all users’.

    • Do not add to the system variables or path as this may impact existing Python applications on the server.

  2. Open an administrator command prompt.

  3. Install virtualenv using the following command: pip install virtualenv

Create a Python Virtual Environment

  1. Create a venv folder in the root of the respective AI Service you are setting up.

    • .\InsightMaker.Python\AIEnrichmentService

    • .\InsightMaker.Python\AIModelService

  2. Open command prompt.

  3. Navigate to the venv folder.

  4. Create the venv with the following python command: python -m virtualenv ./ -p="C:\Program Files\Python312\python.exe"

Configure and Install Prerequisites

Windows ONLY - Ensure long path support

  1. Using Regedit:

    • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\FileSystem

    • LongPathsEnabled

    • DWORD = 1

Setup NLTK

Many of the AI Model Services and AI Enrichment Service require NLTK.

  • Install the nltk Python libraries using: pip install nltk

  • Install the NLTK data (models) to a location on the server using:python -m nltk.downloader all -d <LOCATION>

  • Set an environment variable to point at the NLTK data using: NLTK_DATA=LOCATION

For more information see the NLTK documentation:

Last updated