Related Result Connections Diagram
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The network diagram shows insights between large collections of data. It connects the dots between different data sets to show relationships with added meaning.
The related results connection diagram shows insights for a large collection of information. Connecting the dots between different information sets and data models for added meaning. You can set upper limits to improve service performance and avoid the network diagram from becoming too crowded. This helps maintain the integrity and usefulness of the network diagram feature for users.
Within Aiimi Insight Engine Control Hub
Go to Global Settings and Visualisations.
Turn on or off the ability to use the connection diagram by toggling Enable/Disable Visualisation under Connections Diagram.
Select the Data models to be used in a connection diagram from the Data Models dropdown.
For each data model, choose the attributes from the Promoted Attributes to Display dropdown.
Any attributes selected will be available for users to see within the Connection Diagram.
Set upper limits to improve the performance of the connection diagram. This helps keep the diagram usable and helpful for users.
Enter a Max Request Limit to limit the number of connections requested at once.
The lower this number the quicker the diagram will respond. Too low and the connections shown will offer little insight.
Enter a Max Diagram Limit to restrict the number of connections shown on a diagram.
The lower the number the less cluttered the diagram will be. Too low and the connections shown will offer little insight.
Add filters that narrow down the data that is shown to a user.
Enter a name for a new group in Filter Group Name.
Select the filter from the Filter Property dropdown.
Select Add Filter Group.
Once you've made all your changes select the overarching control hub Update button.