Search Performance

Control Hub > Global Settings > Search Performance

Accurate Totals For Pagination

Show users an accurate total number of results for their searches.

For very large systems or systems near resource capacity we recommend disabling accurate totals for pagination.

Source Cards

Simplify the query to the source and return only the total number of documents.

Beneficial if your source requests become slow due to the volume of data that needs trimming.


When enabled, if a user unselects a source from their filters the number of matches in that source will not be requested or shown.

This improves the performance of searches on large indexes that are used less frequently.

  1. Check "Only fetch counts in facets for selected sources" to enable this.

  2. Check Preload Advanced Search filter counts to have the filter counts preload. This can be resource intensive.

    • If not checked, the advanced filter counts update when a user selects advanced search.

Last updated