CSOM Bridge Set Up

The CSOM Bridge is for Windows applications only. It hosts a REST API that connects Aiimi Insight Engine systems written in .NET to on-premises SharePoint instances. The SharePointLegacy source requires the CSOM Bridge service to be a proxy that make calls to SharePoint.

If you require the CSOM Bridge to be deployed on a dedicated host please speak to your Aiimi contact.

  1. The latest version of .NET Framework 4.8 must be installed.

  2. Aiimi Insight Engine must be installed.



In order to query site collections, CSOM extensions must be installed on the SharePoint server. For help installing these see Microsoft's guide on New CSOM API for Sharepoint Servers.

Aiimi Insight Engine

  1. Open the appsettings.json file for CSOMBridge

    • <IM_ROOT>\Utils\InsightMaker.CSOMBridge\appsettings.json

    • The CSOM Bridge does not connect to Elastic or use plugins. It only needs a RemoteAPI section and system secret.

  2. Set the CSOM Bridge port to use.

    • By default this is set to port 2227. It is secured using the internal elastic-certificates.p12 HTTPS certificate.

  3. Set the systemSecret to match the rest of your system.

  4. Save and close the appsettings.json file.

  5. Open the log4net.config file for CSOMBridge

    • <IM_ROOT>\Utils\InsightMaker.CSOMBridge\log4net.config

    • You should check the file location and set the logging settings for your requirements.

  6. Save and close the log4net.config file.


NSSM must be used to host the bridge, do not use the EXE service install commands.

Before using any scripts in this guide, please update the root folder to match your file structure.

  1. Open an Administrator Command Prompt or PowerShell.

  2. Run the following script to install the CSOMBridge.

run %PATH_TO_NSSM%\nssm.exe install InsightMakerCSOMBridge
  1. Set the Application path to <IM_ROOT>\Utils\InsightMaker.CSOMBridge\InsightMaker.CSOMBridge.exe

  2. Set the Startup Directory to <IM_ROOT>\Utils\InsightMaker.CSOMBridge\

  3. The name must include "CSOMBridge".

    1. This allows upgrade scripts to start/stop it correctly.

  4. The remaining parameters can be set as required.

  5. Select Install Service.

  6. Within the Windows Service Area start this service.

Sharepoint Legacy Source

Configure a SharePointLegacy source to connect to the on-premises SharePoint. For support setting this up use our guide on setting up new sources.

  1. The "REST Endpoint" should point to the CSOM Bridge's remote API address.

  2. Within the Source Config the "Process without Delta Tokens?" must be enabled.

Last updated