You can use search in many ways to find specific files, themes, changes or generic terms.
Utilising search operators can help you build the perfect search. Use one, or more of the below operators in a search to maximise how you search.
Looking for a Phrase
If you want to search for a specific set of words in a given order use a Phrase Search. Put speech marks around a search to look for anything that contains that exact phrase.
"Manufacturing Process"
This will return results with that exact phrase, in that order, anywhere in the item or name.
Looking for Multiple Terms
Use the AND operator to search for multiple keywords. By default, spaces in a search are an AND.
Manufacturing ProcessManufacturing AND Process
This will return results with both Manufacturing and Process anywhere in the item or name.
Looking for at least one term
Use an OR operator if you want one or more term returned in a item. Searching Manufacturing OR Process will return results containing Either or Both words.
Manufacturing OR Process
Excluding terms from a result
Use a NOT operator to exclude items that contain specific words.
Manufacturing Process NOT Flow
This example will return results with Manufacturing Process in it but not the word Flow.
Creating a RegEx search
Regular Expression (RegEx) searches find results by searching for patterns in the data. This help when you're not sure what you are looking for, or are looking for lots of similar things.
\d{5} \d{8} will find numbers formatted 07000 123456 like phone numbers
\£\d matches a string that has a £ before a number
Using Wildcards to find unknowns
Using an asterisk (*) to run a Wildcard Search. It replaces that part of the search with any variable.
Searching mountain will return mountain, mountains, mountain1, etc.
Searching seriali*e will return results for serialise and serialize.
Folder Browsing
You can navigate your data by browsing subfolders. You can share information and add it to collections or SAR from a folder. You can browse your folders based on business area or function.
Select Folder Browsing from the application menu.
Select the Folder structure you want to explore.
Continue to drill down through sub folders to find the information you are looking for.
Archived data keeps its original folder structure so you can find data in a familiar way.
Multilingual Search
You can perform multilingual search within Aiimi Insight Engine. This allows you to find the most relevant search results no matter the language.
Languages need to be set by the system administrators for each source. The text analyser will parse the content of that source using the rules for each language. This takes in to account the language conventions like stop words or characters. This means a search can be performed in your native language with the same experience and results as if you searched in English.
When used with our synonyms feature, you can search across languages for relevant businesses terms.